Sunday, November 9, 2008

The final T2..

2 or the second internals got over a few days back...Well for all those of you who are not very aware of BITS System, 4-1 sem for single degree ppl is a light sem, we have to do only electives( 6 electives over the 4 years of engineering). So most people complete most of thier electives as theory and practical courses by the end of 3rd year, and come into this year with only one or two electives left...

Well, I had also hoped to do so, but if you have EEE, you end up doing so many labs as part of the course that you don't feel like doing an extra theory course...and well with nearly 200 students of three years baying the 20-30 odd faculty in EEEnI department, well you can guess how easy it is to get a project and well I didn't want to do projects like "Working on XYZ software package" or something, so I ended up with 4 of my 6 electives still unfinished....

And all for the first time at BPGC, we were getting an M.E level course, and it seemed pretty important too, so I took that too, so I ended up with 3 theory and 1 project in my 4th year, and like some of my friends did'nt choose an easy subject from Humanities ( and just for info, next sem we have electives like "Shreemad Bhagwad Gita" and "Conflict Religion" and a couple on entrepreneurship @campus )...

well I ended up with Embedded System Design, Digital Signal Processing and Data Communication and Networks, electives that are tough to do one at a time..and here I am doing them at the same time…and bhai “WATT lageli hai…

Just pray I manage some decent GPA…
_/\_ ( thats the symbol for praying on DC these days :P)

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